Gray, Steve - Gray & Gray Woodwrights

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    Scope sets onto stand, handle UP Polished rocks

    Gray, Steve - Gray & Gray Woodwrights

    Binocular Series - Teleidoscope

    "Binocular Series - Teleidoscope" is a RARE COLLECTOR'S PIECE by American Artist Steven Gray. This piece is constructed of two barrels, side-by-side, with a handle and various wood accents. The wood is oiled and then buffed to bring out the natural..…

  • Carousel (SJG) Carousel (SJG)
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    Gray, Steve - Gray & Gray Woodwrights

    Carousel (SJG)

    "Carousel" is a unique parlor Teleidoscope by woodworking master and artist, Steven Gray. This sculptural scope is ultra interactive and seriously fun. Under a tripod of wooden arches lies a kinetically operated turntable that is suspended by three b…

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  • Phantasmic Stratums Phantasmic Stratums
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    Gray, Steve - Gray & Gray Woodwrights

    Phantasmic Stratums

    "Phantasmic Stratums" is a parlor kaleidoscope by Steven Gray. This is a limited edition scope, only 25 were created, it is seldom available on the market. Body is made of Black Walnut with complex ebony accents and has very futuristic lines. The...

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