Fairy Flower
"Fairy Flower" is a spectacular handheld kaleidoscopes by Japanese metal artist MIKKS. The body is made with stained glass panels that are accented with fancy solder work. The viewing port, lens...
"Fairy Flower" is a spectacular handheld kaleidoscopes by Japanese metal artist MIKKS. The body is made with stained glass panels that are accented with fancy solder work. The viewing port, lens...
"Arabesque" are gorgeous handheld kaleidoscopes by Japanese artist MIKKS. The bodies are made with stained glass panels and are accented with fancy solder work and a glass bead. The viewing port has...
"Candle" is a sweet little series of handheld kaleidoscopes by Japanese metal artist Mikks. The body of these scopes are made from brushed raw brass, accented with shiney snowflakes, dichroic glass...
Bennett, Carolyn
"Butterflies" is a lovely handheld kaleidoscope by artist Carolyn Bennett. The body of this scope is an acrylic tube with beautiful art paper depicting fanciful butterflies. This scope is a 3-mirror...
Bennett, Carolyn
"Mirage" is a cool handheld kaleidoscope by artist Carolyn Bennett. This scope's body was made from a tube of brushed aluminum that houses a 3-mirror, 5-point system. There is a smooth turning, dry,...
Tickle, Marc - On Reflection
"Dragonfly" is a fanciful parlor kaleidoscope by artist Marc Tickle. A fully functional kaleidoscope is hidden within the external imagery of a 'floating' dragonfly in what appears to be a fully...
Tickle, Marc - On Reflection
"Illuminati" is a spectacular parlor kaleidoscope by artist Marc Tickle. The body is made with a glass tube that has glittery, silver art paper beneath the glass, then the tube has been mounted on a...
Fillingham, Mark
"Flash Chrome" is a fun parlor kaleidoscope by Mark Fillingham. This cool metal scope has an industrial feel to it, with a 3-mirror system, shiny chrome body, and spinning object wheel which holds...
Reynolds, Mark - Kaleidovisions
"Continuum" is a dazzling parlor kaleidoscope created by Mark and Carol Reynolds. The scope's body is made of polished brass metal that has been mounted to an asymetrical triangular wooden base...
Ade, Bob & Grace
"Twinkle" is an interesting handheld kaleidoscope by artist Bob Ade. The body is made of solid white slumped glass with four dichroic glass 'stars' encrusted on it's surface. This is a front lit,...
Foster, Richard
"Kaleidoscope Cube" are fun handheld scopes made of stained glass by artist Richard Foster. Look into the viewing port and be transported to a field of pyramids and diamonds in the darkness of space!...
Ade, Bob & Grace
"Fiesta" is sweet handheld kaleidsocope by artist Bob Ade. The body was made with two pieces of slumped glass in a bright and cheerful lime green with fused strips of dazzling dichroic glass...